




screen shots






Nocs Skin pick 2.15MB

author: Fab

homepage: theSWAT3garage

description: it's not only a skin but also include new elements 3d models, splatterpack v2.0 light, shiny guns v0.3 light, new crosshairs, custom sounds and a difficulty manager.





Real SAS Skin pick 50k

author: VAK

homepage: TacticalGames

description: this is the best skin i have ever seen. it changes the entire skeleton and the helmets to a gas mask!




Danish Police Skin 203k

author: Jahn

homepage: Ultimate SWAT3 Mods

description: personally i really like this skin.




GSG9 Skin 115k

author: Q-Bik

homepage: TOC

description: Q-Bik is a good mooder.




Canadian Camo Skin

author: Q-Bik

homepage: TOC

description: camo skin for canadian.




Spetsnez Skin 177k

author: Q-Bik

homepage: TOC

description: another skin by Q-Bik.




RCMP Uniform Skin 453k

author: Patdgh

homepage: N/A

description: a very sharp skin.




Summerstressed Skin v0.1 234k

author: Fab

homepage: theSWAT3garage

description: new version of the cheat "casual" wear, cool summer!




Paleknights Skin v0.1 318k

author: Fab

homepage: theSWAT3garage

description: no more gloves. you can see their fingers now.




Clown Skin

author: Mr.Swat

homepage: S.W.A.T.

description: get it for fun.




Black Skin

author: Simon

homepage: N/A

description: black swat uniform.




Santa Claus Skin 117k

author: Slizer

homepage: N/A

description: it changes the terrorists wearing black suits into santa claus, have fun.




Italian Uniforms v1.0 472k

author: Endi & MDK  

homepage: N/A

description: uniforms of 'Carabinieri' and 'Folgore'.




Close Quarters Battle Uniform 0.2 300k

author: Sternhelden

homepage: C.Q.B.

description: this is my first skin for C.Q.B. members but everyone can get it! give me a try!




WRRT skin 325k

author: Hansen

homwpage: N/A

description: uniform of Winnipeg Rapid Response Team (WRRT). they are a swat team from Winnipeg.




Kinky Skin 95k

author: Anonymous

homepage: N/A

description: it doesn't change your uniform but it changes the skin of the woman in the night club mission.  the skin of the woman... naked babe...




Uniforms Changer v3.0

author: Chrismes

homepage: N/A

description: it includes certain skins and you can change them by this program before starting the game.



send me your skin, email me.